
  • Whole wheat flour is made from the whole kernel of wheat and is higher in dietary fibre and overall nutrient content than white flours.
  • No chemicals are added during the milling process and no wholesome content is taken out.
  • This results in the consumer getting the most goodness filled flour possible
  • Whole Wheat flour provides health benefits such as resistance of insulin, excellent source of antioxidants and protection against cardiovascular disease.
  • Whole Wheat flour is made up of very nutritious wheat grain.
  • This is composed of the bran, germ and the endosperm


Golden Grain Mills utilise all natural processes for milling the wheat which allows us to capture the embedded goodness in the wheat such as the germ, bran and endosperm. Golden Grain Flour Mills uses the highest quality grains available and the traditional Stone Milling system. This process allows us to grind wheat at slow speeds with low temperatures, this in turn assists keeps the natural vitamins and minerals evenly dispersed within the flour produced. The Whole Wheat Flour at Golden Grain Flour Mills is slightly sifted to ensure greater consistency, same texture and size to improve the baking qualities of flour.

Whole wheat flour is made from the whole kernel of wheat and is higher in dietary fibre and overall nutrient content than white flour. No chemicals are added during the milling process and no wholesome content is taken out, this results in the consumer getting the most goodness filled flour possible. Whole Wheat flour provides health benefits such as resistance to insulin, an excellent source of antioxidants and protection against cardiovascular disease.

Whole Wheat flour is made up of very nutritious wheat grain; this is composed of the bran, germ and endosperm. The wheat bran is the outer layer of a wheat grain; it is greatly high in fibre and assists to quickly remove the wastes and toxins from the body and aids the digestive process. The germ of the wheat is the centre of the wheat grain; it contains proteins, vitamins, minerals and polyunsaturated fats. The largest part in the wheat grain is the endosperm; this is where the starch in the wheat is stored. The endosperm has many health benefits such as containing a significant amount of protein, riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, folic acid, and soluble fibre.

In refined white flour, the germ and bran do not exist, the only part of the wheat grain which is present in refined white flour is the endosperm. This means that refined white flour is only starch and due to the bran being removed, it causes digestion problems.